Benefits of Trading FX on the Internet
Full access to market information with real-time confirmation and loss analysis. lower transaction costs traded directly from live price quote execution.

Lower transaction costs
Online Forex brokers charge significantly lower commission and transaction fees. Some, like Apex, charge NO commission or fees whatsoever, while still offering traders access to all relevant market information.
In general, the width of the spread in a FX transaction is less than 1/10th as wide as a stock transaction, which typically includes a 1/8 bid/ask spread. For example, if a broker will buy a stock at $24 and sell at $24 1/8, the spread equals .006. For a FX trade with a 4 pip wide spread, where the dealer is willing to buy EUR/USD at 101.30 and sell at 101.33, the spread equals .0004

Trade directly from live price quotes
Very few online brokers are able to offer their clients real-time bid/ask quotes, which facilitates immediate deal execution and no missed market opportunities. Real-time prices also allow investors to compare an on-line broker’s dealing spread with that of current market prices, to ensure they are receiving the best possible price on their Forex transactions.

Immediate trade execution and confirmation
Timing is everything in the fast-paced Forex market. On-line trades are executed and confirmed within no time, which ensures that traders do not miss market opportunities. Even the incremental extra time it takes to complete a transaction over phone can mean a big difference in profit potential.

Real-time profit and loss analysis
The fast growth in the Forex market forces traders to execute multiple trades each day. It is essential for each client to have real-time information about their current position in order to make sound trading decisions.