SigmaForex|Forex Trading Online

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Sigma Forex is leading European professional online trading Brokers registered in the UK and most of the EU countries. It was founded by professional private investors including (banks, traders, brokers, and software developers), which enabled Sigma to identify the essential needs of the Forex participants from the start.

Since 2003, Sigma’s aim has been to provide the best, powerful and most suitable currency trading technology along with superiority in execution, competitive services, and dependable customer service. Over the past years, Sigma has quickly become one of the world’s leading online retail currency trading institutions, providing integrated global trading systems, analysis techniques and the most reliable and sophisticated online trading software. We offer internet trading through Meta Trader. This trading platform is very stable and reliable. It is highly regarded and very popular among traders.

Sigma devotes serious effort to serve the emerging retail segment of the Forex community. Its commitment to providing an excellent customer service, innovative currency trading technology, and dealing practices, establishes Sigma as a notable force that traders look forward to for an advanced Forex charting, Forex news, and fund safety.

Customers funds deposited with Sigma, are held and maintained separately in separated trading accounts at our partner banks. Sigma also provides its customers a variety of account plans, and services to choose from when creating or adjusting a profile.

The professionals at Sigma are dedicated to providing the guidance you need to accomplish your investment objectives.

Forex Trading Concept with Sigma Forex

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Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. The foreign exchange market ( FOREX ) is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of over $1.3 trillion daily; more than three times the aggregate amount of the US Equity and Treasury markets combined. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location, no central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another. The lack of a physical exchange enables the Forex market to operate on a 24-hour basis, spanning from one zone to another across the major financial centers.

Traditionally, investors' only means of gaining access to the foreign exchange market was through banks that transacted large amounts of currencies for commercial and investment purposes. Trading volume has increased rapidly over time, especially after exchange rates were allowed to float freely in 1971.

Forex Trading Advantages

A 24-hour market - A trader may take advantage of all profitable market conditions at any time. There is no waiting for the opening bell.

High liquidity - The Forex market with an average trading volume of over $1.3 trillion per day. It is the most liquid market in the world. It means that a trader can enter or exit the market at will in almost any market condition minimal execution marries or risk and no daily limit.

Low transaction cost - The retail transaction cost (the bid/ask spread) is typically less than 0.1% (10 pips or points) under normal market conditions. At larger dealers, the spread could be smaller.

Uncorrelated to the stock market - A trader in the Forex market involves selling or buying one currency against another. Thus, there is no correlation between the foreign currency market and the stock market. Bull market or a bear market for a currency is defined in terms of the outlook for its relative value against other currencies. If the outlook is positive, we have a bull market in which a trader profits by buying the currency against other currencies. Conversely, if the outlook is pessimistic, we have a bull market for other currencies and traders take profits by selling the currency against other currencies. In either case, there is always a good market trading opportunity for a trader.

Inter-bank market - The backbone of the Forex market consists of a global network of dealers. They are mainly major commercial banks that communicate and trade with one another and with their clients through electronic networks and telephones. There are no organized exchanges to serves a central location to facilitate transactions the way the New York Stock Exchange serves the equity markets. The Forex market operates in a manner similar to the way the NASDAQ market in the United States operates, thus it is also referred to as an over the counter ( OTC ) market.

No one can corner the market - The Forex market is so vast and has so many participants that no single entity, not even a central bank, can control the market price for an extended period of time. Even interventions by mighty central banks are becoming increasingly ineffectual and short lived. Thus central banks are becoming less and less inclined to intervene to manipulate market prices

Gain Benefits with SigmaForex

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Benefits of Trading FX on the Internet
Full access to market information with real-time confirmation and loss analysis. lower transaction costs traded directly from live price quote execution.

Lower transaction costs
Online Forex brokers charge significantly lower commission and transaction fees. Some, like Apex, charge NO commission or fees whatsoever, while still offering traders access to all relevant market information.
In general, the width of the spread in a FX transaction is less than 1/10th as wide as a stock transaction, which typically includes a 1/8 bid/ask spread. For example, if a broker will buy a stock at $24 and sell at $24 1/8, the spread equals .006. For a FX trade with a 4 pip wide spread, where the dealer is willing to buy EUR/USD at 101.30 and sell at 101.33, the spread equals .0004

Trade directly from live price quotes
Very few online brokers are able to offer their clients real-time bid/ask quotes, which facilitates immediate deal execution and no missed market opportunities. Real-time prices also allow investors to compare an on-line broker’s dealing spread with that of current market prices, to ensure they are receiving the best possible price on their Forex transactions.

Immediate trade execution and confirmation
Timing is everything in the fast-paced Forex market. On-line trades are executed and confirmed within no time, which ensures that traders do not miss market opportunities. Even the incremental extra time it takes to complete a transaction over phone can mean a big difference in profit potential.

Real-time profit and loss analysis
The fast growth in the Forex market forces traders to execute multiple trades each day. It is essential for each client to have real-time information about their current position in order to make sound trading decisions.

Sigma Introduces opportunities for Those New to Forex

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Over the last three decades the foreign exchange market has become the world's largest financial market, with over $1.5 trillion USD traded daily. Forex is part of the bank-to-bank currency market known as the 24-hour interbank market. The interbank market literally follows the sun around the world, moving from major banking centers of the United States to Australia, New Zealand to the Far East, to Europe then back to the United States.

Until recently, the forex market wasn't for the average trader or individual speculator. With the large minimum transaction sizes and often-stringent financial requirements, banks, hedge funds, major currency dealers and the occasional high net-worth individual speculator were the principal participants. These large traders were able to take advantage of the many benefits offered by the forex market vs. other markets, including great liquidity and the strong trending nature of the world's primary currency exchange rates.

> Advantages of the forex market

Sigma is able to offer smaller transactional sizes and allow traders of almost any size, including individual speculators or smaller companies, the opportunity to trade the same rates and price movements as the large players who once dominated the forex market.

24 Hour Access with SigmaForex

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Select the forex market, select the time, and start trading. The massive liquidity of forex, combined with a true 24-hour forex market that's traded 5.5 days a week, offers you exceptional independence and forex currency trading when you want to, not when the market wants you to.

During each trading day, overall foreign currency trading volume is determined by what markets are open and the times each of these markets overlap one another. With each passing second, minute and hour, forex currency trading volume remains high, but peaks highest when the British, European and U.S. markets are open at the same time - from 1 p.m. GMT to 4 p.m. GMT. The volume of the Pacific Rim markets, such as Japan and Hong Kong, subsides compared to the crest of the U.S. market, but still offer the forex trader the ability to analyze the highly traded Pacific Rim currencies.

SigmaForex Mission

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Our Company

Sigma provides customers with access to the Forex exchange markets. We cater to all trading levels from novice to professional traders. We specialize in electronic markets, system trading and automation. We provide traders with access to multiple futures trading applications, state of the art Forex trading software’s, live support and exceptional customer service. Our business foundation is built on trust, ethical principles and client relationships.

> Our mission

Altering the brokerage service with new age trading solutions while placing immense emphasis on customer service to achieve a distinctive appeal in the industry.

> Our Services

Word of mouth has been our primary source of cliental base. Our business approach has expanded our referral community and our company’s growth. We believe in providing clients with exceptional service and we have built long term business relationships with our clients throughout the years.
When calling our office, there are no automated messages to go through to get a hold of someone, you call and we pick up, that simple.

Sigma Forex Fund Managers

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FX fund managers who need fast and dependable execution services are a perfect fit for Sigma and the online currency trading services we provide to our clients. Fund management system for Forex money managers receive anonymous access to major money center banks, fast execution on large dollar amounts and clients can see transactions or detailed transaction report.

The forex trading platform offers custom block-trades based on percentage-splits or contract/lot splits. Managers can create unlimited numbers of allocation schemes to choose from, allowing the manager to customize different allocations for different strategies or different customers with varying tolerances of risk.

> Features of Fund Manager 1

  • Clients of the fund manager can get detailed account transaction reports.
  • Clients of the fund manager can access account history.
  • Clients can see open positions, working orders the fund manager creates.
  • Solo/aggregate modes - work one account or several for each transaction.
  • Specify the time period to access account history, detail transactions, session history or EX view, which is a daily recap of transactions that occurred in that account.
  • Trade more than one account using a percentage-based allocation.

> Features of Fund Manager 2

  • Trade more than one account using a percentage-based allocation.
  • Clients of the fund manager can access account history.
  • Clients can see open positions, working orders the fund manager creates.
  • Trade, view, edit and cancel notional orders with just a click or two.
  • Specify the time period to access account history, detail transactions, session history or EZ view, which is a daily recap of transactions that occurred in that account.

SigmaForex Automation

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Are you ready to take your Forex trading to the next level?

If you are thinking about automating your trading approach and you are not sure where to start, contact our office and we will guide you from start to finish. Sigma has numerous relationships with programmers who can be referred to you upon request.

The Strategy Runner development team can also develop your strategy from scratch, or translate your strategy from Easy Language or C++ into the Strategy Runner FX API.

> Automation Benefits

  • 24-Hours Hands Free Execution for SR API: Strategies will auto-run every morning on the strategy runner server at the FCM's facilities.
  • Reliable Execution: strategies are executed from our server at FCM's facilities, so clients internet connection and even your computer being shut, don't affect order execution.
  • Centralized management of subscribers' orders and accounts.
    Test your trading system on Strategy Runner FX simulation before moving to the real execution.
  • Clients can monitor their individual trading performance in real time.
  • Clients can control orders and strategies' execution in real time through SR FX trading platform.
  • Ability to trade multiple strategies on multiple markets.
  • Automated exits, including scale-outs, brackets, trailing stops, etc.
  • Ease of new strategies simulating and testing.
  • Rule-based money management automation.
  • Automatically place your orders on the exchange server. This ensures that your orders will be placed and filled before manual orders and minimizes your connectivity risks and slippage.
  • Trade several accounts allowing you to manage money and track individual performance.
  • Eliminate your stress by processing all rapid, complex, and emotional decisions with logical and lightning fast precision.

Trade on Margin with SigmaForex

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Sigma client’s trade on margin, allowing you to leverage your capital as much as 500:1. This is a more efficient use of you capital because you will only be allocating a fraction of your dollars to maintain your position and you are able to magnify the potential return on a given position.

The FX market is considered an Over The Counter (OTC) or 'interbank' market, due to the fact that transactions are conducted between two counterparts over the telephone or via an electronic network. Trading is not centralized on an exchange, as with the stock and futures markets.

Trading Foreign Exchange with SigmaForex

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Contrary to popular belief, the unification of many European currencies into one single currency (the Euro) has only strengthened and rendered more popular the usage of foreign exchange as an investment, a hedging instrument and as a tool for speculation. The most marked development has been the democratisation of foreign exchange in the retail market, the tightening of spreads and drastic improvement of trading conditions for the small trader.

In practically all investments there is a foreign exchange transaction to be made, whether trading in the stock market, futures and options, or fixed income market or any other market, foreign exchange is almost always involved. Whether in international trade, import-export, or practically any type of business, resorting to some form of foreign exchange operation is practically unavoidable. It is not surprising then that the forex market is by far the largest in the world, in fact it is approximately 32.5 times larger than all equities markets put together.

As a result, foreign exchange trading has long been recognized as a superior investment opportunity by major banks, multinational corporations and other institutions. Today, this market is more widely available to the individual trader than ever before.

Integrity is the most Valuable Currency for SigmaForex

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Integrity is the most Valuable Currency for SigmaForex

Lowest spreads

FREE advanced trading tools

Dozens of currency pairs and Metals

Daily Exclusive Institutional analysis

24-Hour trading and support

Trade immediately by Credit Card,

PayPal, WebMoney or Money Gram

Start trading with as little as $100

500:1 leverage*

No commissions or fees

Trading in The Forex Market with Sigma Forex

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The retail off-exchange foreign currency market (commonly referred to as FOREX or FX) is the largest financial marketplace in the world with an estimated daily turnover in excess of $1.9 trillion USD. Participants in the FOREX market include banks, institutional investors, corporate treasurers, and retail speculators.

The most actively traded currencies are the so-called “majors” - the US dollar, the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, the Swiss franc, the Japanese Yen, the British pound, and the Euro. The economies that these currencies originate from have several key factors in common – they are all recognized as having stable governments, esteemed central banks, and low inflation.
The notion of trading currencies for profit is still a relatively new concept in the United States. This is due in large part to the fact that prior to 1992 FX trading was only available to banks, multinational companies, and very few individual investors for speculative purposes. However, today the daily activity in the Forex market is vastly larger than that of any other marketplace or exchange. Banks, corporations, commercial brokers, governments and private speculators trade foreign currencies around the clock. Payments for exports and imports flow through the global currency market, as well as payments for purchases and sales of assets. Many of the participants in the currency market trade currencies purely for hedging purposes in response to the currency exposures created by their import and export activities, or to offset the financial risks of international holdings.
To fully grasp the concept of Forex, one must have a clear understanding of the abstract qualities of the currency market. Foreign currencies are an “over the counter” product, and not quoted or traded on any specific exchange. “Market Makers”, i.e. banks, foreign currency merchants, or other financial entities, quote Forex prices. There is not a standard fixed contract size, nor are there any standard commission fees or any other additional transaction costs involved. All prices are quoted with a bid and offer price, also known as the spread. The spread may vary depending on market conditions and liquidity, and other factors, such as supply and demand, among other things. Prices may vary depending on liquidity and are constantly changing.

The Forex market is a 24-hour market that is continuously open in various financial centers around the world. The standard operating hours for the Forex market are 20:00 GMT Sunday through 21:00 GMT Friday. Positions can be opened and closed at any time throughout this time frame. The trading day begins on the Eastern Pacific Rim, with financial centers in Wellington, New Zealand, and Sydney, Australia opening first, followed by Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore. A few hours later, while markets remain active in those Asian centers, trading begins in Bahrain and the Middle East. When the trading day is almost complete in Asia, markets in Europe begin to open for business. The European time zone is the most active market, with about 2/3 of all global Forex transactions being cleared through London. Finally, New York and the North American market begin trading toward the end of the European session. Finally, the circle is complete when, in the North American late afternoon, the next day arrives in the Asia-Pacific market, and the process begins anew. The 24-hour market means that exchange rates and market conditions can change at any time in response to global developments. In this market, investors can react to any economic, social, or political events at the time it occurs.

Forex trading on margin carries a high degree of risk, and may result in serious financial loss. Forex trading is not suitable for everyone. The possibility exists that you may lose some or all of your initial investment – be sure to invest only “risk capital”, and not money you cannot afford to lose.

SigmaForex Managed Account

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Trading in the Forex market can be a daunting task for the novice trader. The landscape of the currency markets changes constantly - 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. The average retail investor does not have the time or experience to follow this market on such a demanding basis. Forex Managed Accounts were created for investors who may not have the time or knowledge to trade in the currency markets without help. Clients own all of the positions in their portfolio, which is overseen by a Sigma Forex professional.

Sigma top professionals provide our clients, who do not have the experience in the foreign exchange market to manage their own capital effectively, with a real opportunity to enhance their overall portfolio performance. A managed account enables individuals who are unable to monitor the market all around the clock to trade on the Forex Market.

Examples of Transactions with SigmaForex

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Examples of Transactions

Limit Order

Limit orders, also called “price orders”, allow the trader to predetermine a price at which they want to sell or buy a current position (depending on the initial opened position). Limit orders allow the trader to set predefined values where they would like to take a profit on a trade or open a position at a more favorable rate than the current price without constantly having to watch the market.

Example of a Limit Order

A trader buys (long) 100,000 GBP (1 standard lot) against USD at a market/spot price of USD $1.9988. The trader believes the GBP will appreciate to USD $2.0010, thus he places a limit order to sell 100,000 GBP at USD $2.0010. The sell limit order placed by the trader will be executed once the exchange rate reaches the prices of $2.0010.

Stop Loss Order

Traders utilize stop loss orders to limit trading losses and are an essential element to managing risk potential. Using stop loss orders allows the trader to automatically close a position if the market moves against them, limiting their losses to a certain point.

Unlike limit orders, stop orders do not guarantee execution at the rate the order is set. Once the stop loss level has been reached or passed, the order will be filled at the next available market rate.

Example of a Stop Loss Order

A trader buys (long) 100,000 GBP/USD (1 standard lot) at a market/spot price of $1.9988. The trader believes the GBP will appreciate against the US dollar; however, the trader wants to limit potential losses in case the market moves against the trader and places a stop loss order to sell (short) 100,000 GBP/ USD at $1.9900 thus limiting losses if the GBPUSD depreciates to $1.9900 or below.

One Cancels Other Order

One Cancels Other orders (OCO) are placed by the trader who wants to place either a Buy/Sell Limit order or a Buy/Sell Stop loss order but not both to be executed. It is the combination of both a limit and a stop order and can be used to take profit if the market moves in favor of the trader or to limit loses if the market moves against the trader. OCO orders are advantageous if the trader wants to get in and out of the market without having to watch it constantly.

Example of a One Cancels Other Order

GBP/USD is trading at USD $1.9988, and the trader has an open long (buy) GBP/USD position which was opened at $1.9938. The trader wants to close the position and take a profit if the price goes up to USD $2.0038, or if the market moves against the position, and limit his losses and be stopped out at $1.9888. The trader would place a Sell at USD $2.0038 on limit OCO USD $1.9888 on stop. Whichever order is executed first cancels out the other order automatically.

Professionally Managed Forex with SigmaForex

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Trading Strategy

Sigma Management, offers its clients professional Currency trading services via the Keep It Simple Swing (K.I.S.S.). The strategy K.I.S.S. quantifies the supply/demand and human behavior relationship that exists in any free market. We believe this relationship is ultimately what determines price. Sigma Managers combines multiple models that isolate maximum reward to risk trading opportunities in the Forex Market. Unlike most trading strategies and indicators, which operate on subjective, antiquated mathematical equations, K.I.S.S. operates using the core principles of supply and demand. This proprietary trading methodology operates in Multiple time frames and employs both trend following and counter-trend strategies. The result is consistent performance based on objective information and market logic.

Why Trading with SigmaForex

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1. Lowest spreads in the Forex market, starting from ZERO SPREAD. No other broker offers such competitive spreads.
2. Sigma is the only broker that allows you to customize your trading account as you wish.
3. Maintaining the security of your money is a major objective at Sigma.
Our devotion to our clients has made our firm a respected industry leader, that we have a strong commitment to maintain a long term relationship with our clients.
4. Low margin requirement.
5. Full Hedging capabilities.

6. Sigma is a registered financial institution, and is registered with the European registration authorities. The regulations set out into notice by these agencies are created to help ensure the safety of our clients’ deposits.
7. We maintain enough liquid capital to meet the needs of the amount required to cover all client deposits, potential shift back and forth in the firm’s currency positions and outstanding expenses.
8. We put forward our financial information to regulatory bodies on a weekly and monthly basis.

9. In addition to what precedes, Sigma holds all deposits with only highly reputable financial institutions. We are appreciative for the trust our clients place in us.
Please be aware of brokers that guarantee the safety of your funds or that claim that your funds will receive special protections such as FDIC insurance. Nobody can guarantee profits in Forex trading.

Open SigmaForex account

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Open SigmaForex account

There are no minimum requirements or any maximum requirements for your deposit

You will choose your leverage between 1:100 and 1:200

You will choose wither if you want to trade with dealing desk or be free to be directly connected to the market with the No Dealing Desk.

Sigma offers the ability to set-up accounts denominated in the following currencies:

• United States dollar (USD)
• Euro (EUR)
• Great Britain pound (GBP)
• Australian dollar (AUD)
• Swiss Franc (CHF)

SigmaForex Partnership Services

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SigmaForex Partnership Services

Overall View:

Sigma helps a various groups of partners around the world to enlarge their business and expand the full potential of the Forex market.

Sigma’s services include:

Introducing Brokers: Join our IB network and receive compensation for directing new clients to Sigma.

Money Managers: Full service trading capabilities, plus dedicated account management, client fund administration and reporting.

White Labels: White Label Program helps fitted firms set up an online presence in the Forex industry quickly and cost effectively.

A dedicated Partner Services team supports Sigma partners with a full range of account management services.
- Daily P&L, credits, commission allocation, etc.
- Account funding, transfers, allocations, etc.
- Customer on-boarding.

SigmaForex Rewards

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SigmaForex Rewards

1) Forecast & Win an Account

Get A Free Real Account
Through Sigma indicators you can forecast the upcoming prices of the pairs & get a chance to win a real live Sigma account
For participation please select the pair that you are predicting for it, then fill the following form & don't forget to write down your forecasted price.

2) Take Bonus:

It’s a special reward for our new clients, when you open your new live account you get Free cash bonus within the next days. You will receive a FREE bonus as a cash back credit which will be added to your trading account. This cash back varies according to each account opened.

To be able to withdraw your free cash back credit, you need to open at least 25 trading lots in a period not exceeds 40 days. For more information about our current and future promotions you can chat with our representatives, you can also request a call back from one of our agents by sending us your contact number and the best time we can reach you.

3) Practice Competition

Interested clients who wish to take part in this competition shall send a request via email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Attached with the following information:
Full name
Phone number
Current valid passport or government issued photo ID

It begins at the beginning of each month.

After receiving your request we will provide you with further details and with your Practice account login information which will be used in the trading contest.

By the end of each contest:

1. All participants that manage to open at least 25 lots will be awarded a Live Account with $75 credit.
2. All participants that manage to open at least 25 lots and keep their Practice account balanced will be awarded a Live Account with $100 credit.
3. The highest 5 accounts with the highest profits (including the floating P/L) will be awarded a Live Account with $250 credit.

4) Trader of the Month

This is one of Sigma’s new rewards, as an appreciation of the time spent by our traders on our trading platform, every month the Trader with highest profits will get a section on our web site (a profile) with his picture in it, and he will gets to write a few sentences about his Forex experience or shall pass an advice to novice traders and we shall write also a few sentences about him, thanking him and encouraging him for the good work, For Practice traders and live traders.

SigmaForex Support

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Sigma Customer Support acquires to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction.
Sigma online trading services are available 24/7 to support and present the help needed by all Sigma's clients by answering any inquiries or questions they may have.

Sigma provides full time assistances to support clients during the usage of Sigma platform, whenever our clients face any problems during downloading or installing the platform, Sigma experienced stuff will help to overcome it.

Sigma provides clients with full scale demonstrations and help for the technical issues.

As we offering wide variety of products also we offer 24/7 customer support to meet all your questions & all your needs.
Client support is handled by a professional staff that has been trained to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and friendly customer service.

SigmaForex Platform Key Features

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Key Features

Sigma Trading Software is our clients' gateway to the Forex Market. It is an online trading complex designed to provide broker services to customers at Forex, Futures and CFD markets. We have chosen the Meta Trader 4 Trading platform as our optimum solution for the professional trading, because it is the most reliable, professional and secure online trading software on the market at the current time.
The program has a friendly and simple user interface that allows traders to keep an eye on their transactions and their account as well as develop Forex trading strategies of their own and performing technical analysis. Sigma trading platform is secure, stable and distinguished by its unique performance. Sigma Trading Station is the client's part of the online Forex Trading...

Main Key Features of the Platform:

• Smooth flow dealing with no request for quote for up to 200 lots (20 million).
• Working with securities of Forex, Futures and CFD markets.
• Multilanguage program interface that supports 14 different languages.
• User-friendly interface that is both easy to use and to grasp.
• Various execution technologies: Instant Execution, Request Execution, Market Execution.
• Exclusive technical analysis daily to your mailbox in the Trading Platform.
• Providing research reports for every day and every week.
• Working simultaneously with multiple accounts.
• Varies real-time charts with the most common indicators.
• All types of market and pending orders to engage the services of the desired trading strategies.
• Summary of client's orders, opened positions, floating profit & loss, account equity, margin, free margin …etc within real-time.
• Supplying news headlines directly in the platform from financial markets.
• Discover the trailing Stop feature.
• Supplying tools allowing Sigma’s clients with real account to set their own trading strategies with the Expert Advisor.
• Intimacy of all trading operations and support of Advanced Security technology.
• Internal mailing system.
• Printing charts and completed trading transactions statements.
• Providing a high level of confidentiality found in the client's unique username and password.
• Real-time data export via DDE protocol.
• Support of various timeframes (from minutes up to months).
• Experts, Custom Indicators and Scripts.
• Signals of system and trading actions.
• Showing real-time prices in the major currency pairs that are constantly updated.

You shall open a demo account and try the many features of our system yourself. And For more information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us any time or even request a call back.

Types Of SigmaForex Charts

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A chart or graph is a type of information graphic or graphic organizer that represents tabular numeric data and/or functions.
Charts are often used to make it easier to understand large quantities of data and the relationship between different parts of the data.
Certain types of charts are more useful for presenting a given data set than others.
The charts are one of the main interests at Sigma.
Charts are a statistically noticeably technical analysis tool for a trader that wants to carry out successful trading.
Currency charts bring clearly a single period of time and that period could range from one minute to one month to several years.

Candlestick Chart:

It’s the oldest types of charts developed in the 18th century by legendary Japanese rice trader Homma Munehisa, this style of charting is very popular due to the level of ease in reading and understanding the graphs.
Each candlestick includes the open, high, low, and close, of the timeframe, and also shows the direction (upward or downward), and the range of the timeframe.
The candlestick provides a visual detail more than any other chart.

Line Chart:

Is a two-dimensional scatter plot of ordered observations where the observations are connected following their order?
The line chart is a graphical representation of the historical exchange rate of a specific currency pair in a certain period of time. The line is brought into existence and drew according to the closing prices connection of the day.

Bar Chart:

Is a chart with rectangular bars of lengths usually proportional to the magnitudes or frequencies of what they represent?
Uses bars to show frequencies or values for different categories, also known as a bar graph.
Bar charts are used for comparing two or more values. The bars can be horizontally or vertically oriented.
Sometimes a stretched graphic is used instead of a solid bar.
Each bar contains 4 'hooks' (the opening, closing, high and low (OCHL) rates of transactions at a certain time interval).